Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your Best Life, Later!

I am late with this post, because I spent time in Houston last weekend and was not able to take the time to post on the blog. But I need to write just a wee bit, I think, about how important it is for followers of Jesus to remember that our "best life" always comes in eternity not in the present.

What triggered this is the remarkable way that Papa has taken me out of a time of intense mourning and placed me into a new season of joy and expectancy. "There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance." (Ecc. 3:4). Evidently Papa decided my season of deep mourning needed to come to an end, because in light of some amazing graces of healing in my life a couple of weeks ago, I find that it's now quite hard to stay in "mourning mode." I will spend more time in this Friday's post describing how this happened because it will serve some of you, I think. But for today I want to highlight one of the most important keys for believers as they heal from the catastrophic loss of a loved one: the reality of Heaven.

The undeniable truth that Jettie is now "better off by far" because her life on earth ended with a direct transfer into God's presence and indescribable blessing is the one thing above all others that has enabled me to let go of loss and move into the future. Because I know that for believers the life that follows this one is infinitely superior to this present existence, it makes sense that "we do not grieve as those who have no hope" (1 Thessalonians 4:13). And so I have indeed moved past the sense of deep loss that was present for the first 6 months (I can hear the doubt in some of you as you read this, but it's really true! And I will explain more on Friday).

But knowing this is not just for those who have suffered the death of a loved one. For every follower of Jesus, this present life is not the best we will experience. Indeed, for a large percentage of believers around the world "your best life now" sounds rather odd as they suffer through persecution and other calamity. Our persecuted and poorer sisters and brothers already know that our best life always comes later, and that "your best life" is life lived not for self but for the One who redeemed you and called you into His purposes. ("In this world you will have trouble, but be encouraged! I have overcome the world!" John 16:33). And I find myself wondering how we would live if we all truly believed that our best life comes later... just wondering...

More later this week.

Reflecting on the realities of eternity...

Tom, one of Abba's little boys

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