First, don't be afraid to test what you are hearing. Obviously, the first test is against Scripture itself, and the more full of God's word you are, the more capable you will be at distinguishing God's voice. "If a voice comes and tells you what to do, if a person comes and says he has a special prophecy given him for you, you have as much right to ask God for that prophecy as they had to give it to you, and you have as much right to judge that prophecy according to the Word of God." Simple, isn't it? But I continue to be amazed at how many people "hear God" tell them things that violate God's character and will as revealed in Scripture! Smith also suggests a second test, from 1 John 4:2-3. "When a voice comes, no matter how it seems to you, you must test it. When it is persistently pressing have a position in the power of the Word of God to say to this evil power, 'Did Jesus come in the flesh?' (1 John 4:3). And the satanic power will say no. But the Spirit of the Living God, the Holy Spirit, always says yes. We have to live in the place of knowing Scriptures and listening to His voice so that we are able to divinely discern whether these voices are of God or not."
Second, use common sense and test things against the general flavor of Scripture. Some more thoughts from Smith Wigglesworth:
"What do I read about the wisdom of God? It is full of peace and gentleness; it is willing to submit; it is without partiality; it is full of goodness and truth. (See James 3:17)...if these voices take away your peace, you will know they are not the will of God. But if the Spirit speaks, He will bring harmony and joy. The Spirit always brings three things: comfort, exhortation, and edification."
"If you are wild, that is the Devil. If you go breathlessly to the Bible looking for confirmation of the voice, that is the Devil. The Word of God brings light."
"The voice came with such tremendous force that she could not let it go...God will never do anything like that. He will never send you an unreasonable, unmanageable message."
"It is satanic to feel that God has a special message for you and that you are someone more special than anyone else. Every place that God brings you in a rising tide of perfection is a place of humility, brokenness of heart, and fullness of surrender..."
Third, listen to God in community with others. Anything you hear that is directional, correctional, etc., should not be kept to yourself. God has given us a loving and listening community to help us sort out whether or not what we are hearing is truly His voice (or if it is His voice, what the timing and other aspects of it are). Nowhere is this seen more clearly in Scripture than in the Apostle Paul's life--although he had as definite an encounter with the Lord Jesus as anyone, he chose not to embark on his life mission as an apostle until the community of believers around him heard God say, "It is time!" (see Acts 13--this incident happened about 13-17 years after Paul's encounter with Jesus on the Damascus road!).
Smith Wigglesworth says about a deceived person: "What did the Devil say next? 'You keep this a secret. Don't tell anybody...' Now that is surely as satanic as anything you have ever heard in your life, because every true thing, every holy thing, does not need to be kept a secret under any circumstances. Anything that is holy can be shouted from the housetops; God wants you to be able to tell all."
"If you are right and everybody else is wrong, I don't care who you are, if you cannot bear examination, if what you hold cannot bear the light of the truth, you are wrong... It is a very serious thing when nobody else knows but you."
I welcome your thoughts and comments. In a nutshell, we can answer the question, "Is it God's voice?" by being so steeped in Scripture that we know not only its content but also the character of the One whom it reveals. Also, we can use common sense and measure whether what we are hearing brings peace, harmony, joy, etc., and discern whether what we are hearing is "forced" or pushy to the point of compulsion/obsession. And by always, always being willing to humbly submit what we are hearing to others who hear God with us.
Listening carefully,
Tom, one of Abba's children
Hi, Tom,
Very important points you made, we should always keep them in mind. Always test everything! Hearing from the Lord always results in a sound mind and we are able exercise self-control over our thoughts. We need to be able to share the things the Lord is giving, impressing, or speaking to us with those we trust.
Great point about the apostle Paul waiting until the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” The other leaders confirming what the Holy Spirit said by laying their hands on them and sending them out. Without learning to wait upon the Lord and truly hearing from the Lord and knowing we are called we would crash and burn, fold, give up at some point (Mark 4:13-20). We need true revelation that will stand the test!
I am reminded of Joseph who shared his two dreams with his brothers and they hated him for it, rebuked him and sold him as a slave in Gen. 37:1-11. I was facing a difficult situation in my life when the Lord gave me Ps. 105:17-19, “He sent a man before them—Joseph—who was sold as a slave. They hurt his feet with fetters, he was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.” Until the time our word, whether it is the word of the Lord to us, or a word given to us by the Lord that we share with others, a promise, vision, or dream, comes to pass, the word of the Lord will test us.
We must also use wisdom with those we share, share with mature believers for the most part and avoid sharing with carnal babes in Christ.
I have been misunderstood at times, criticized to some extent, and gossiped about. The world’s criticism never bothered me, however, we must be willing to suffer and endure the heartache and pain created by our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must die to our flesh desires and put on Christ. In this way we learn Christ like love bearing with one another and forgiving one another as Christ has forgiven us (Col. 3:13). It’s all part of the Lord’s purifying and refining process that we may know Him experientially being conformed unto His death!
We should always remember what man intends for evil God intends for our good as we walk with Him trusting and resting in His love. Knowing as we pray, the Lord will work it out for our good in answer to prayer, if we allow Him by not get in His way!
I hope I made myself clear!
Grace and peace,
His nothing,
Hi, Tom,
I am so Sorry, that should have been a question mark and not an exclamation point. I hope I was clear though? I am so imperfect and undone!
Thanks for loving me anyway!!!
His nothing,
Hey, Tom,
After going to the simple church website yesterday. It looks like you got your potistion back and I know you are busy. And, since I am not part of the "official Foursquare simple church folks", I just wanted you to know, you don't have to continue to do this for me!
Proverbs 20:5 (NKJV)
5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, But a man of understanding will draw it out.
Blessings to you my friend,
His nothing,
Hi, Tom,
I was reading "Cry of the Spirit earlier today, Smith Wigglesworth said on page 35, “God the Holy Ghost can take the Word of Jesus and breathe into the hearer, quickening his spirit. All disease and weakness must go at the rebuke of the Master.”
Concerning Psalm 91 on page 131, he said, “Oh, to dwell in the secret place, His presence! What will this presence do? It will dare us to believe all God says, assisting us to lay hold of the promises. We will have God so indwelling us that we will become a force, a power of God’s abiding, until the time death is swallowed up in victory!
We have a great salvation filled with inspiration. It has no limitations; it makes known the immeasurable wonders of God.
If you are in the experience of verse 1, here is an added substance of faith for you. (It is a fact. And you need to have facts, inward facts, instead of “fearings” or feelings, because you will be beyond anyone’s argument when you have them) There are those who proclaim, “I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” (Psalm 91:2). Who will say it? He that abideth! He who abides in the Lord knows he can trust in the Lord to protect him from harm.”
Blessings of grace and peace,
His nothing,
A lot to think about here...thank you for taking the time to write!
gary s chapman
Very good stuff! I'm preparing a message about hearing God's voice and I had a lot of this stuff already written. It's nice to see some confirmation!!
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