Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am a what? A Consumer????

Yes, I know I tend to post things rather randomly--comes with being who I am. But the following thoughts actually do relate to church, simple church, whatever church, and they are fresh to me so I pass them along. (And I edited this puppy today, Friday, February 20--it needed a lot of work!)

Recently, in one of those wonderful early morning times of lying still and pondering things, Papa brought to my mind one of our culture’s most common descriptions of the average person: "consumer." And yes, I do subscribe to Consumer Reports magazine! If I am going to be labeled a "consumer" (what a terribly impersonal and yet descriptive term!), I at least want to be an informed one!

The thought that we are designated as consumers led me again to the realization that American culture has successfully enshrined and enculturated greed and covetousness. As Paul Ford writes in Knocking Over the Leadership Ladder, our culture is built in a way that encourages us to be narcissistic, feeling dissatisfied and entitled to self-fulfillment. My generation, the baby boomers, has managed to turn this mindset into a fine art. We have become the first US generation to be almost completely individualistic and self-oriented. But what does this have to do with the church?

No big thought here, but the western church has ever increasingly yet unwittingly absorbed and then reflected our twisted culture. Instead of being radically counter-culture, in our sincere attempts to reach those in this culture we have become just like the culture. But it seems to me that the Gospel of the Kingdom will always be counter-cultural to any human culture and that it is certainly counter to the vast portion of our American culture! Yes, the Apostle Paul said that he “became all things to all men in order to reach people” but in doing so he did not compromise the sharply counter-cultural nature of the Gospel (hence the heavy persecution of early believers). (Did you ever wonder about why there is such a huge similarity between traditional church approaches to growth and approaches used by retailers? Get them inside the building, give them something they want, etc. Kind of scary to me anyway!).

As I continued to ponder all of this I realized that the deep influence of American culture on US believers requires a willingness on our part to ask God to constantly examine all that we are doing in light of true Kingdom culture. And this examination by God needs to take place at the deepest level, not just the surface level. Lots of Christians today are talking about "Kingdom culture," but much of what they are describing sounds more like American capitalism or some kind of spiritual imperialism than like the humble, quiet life Jesus lived and invites us to.

This willingness to examine things must be true regardless of the form the church adopts. Unless we address the deeply flawed cultural and theological assumptions that lie several layers down in our thinking, changing the form, model, meeting place or anything else of the church won’t change much of anything! Self-oriented, covetous, broken, demonized Christians in any type of community or structure are not what Jesus had in mind, no matter how they are "packaged"!

So… I think people like Dallas Willard, J.P. Moreland, Paul Young, Wayne Jacobsen, and many others are all very much indeed prophetic voices to God’s people. I raise up these particular men and others like them because they are all addressing the deeper issues, issues of the heart, in light a an brand new way of looking at culture and Scripture, issues of how we view God and ourselves, others, etc.

The bottom line, I guess, is that those who say "Question everything!" may be closer to the truth than we realize, but with one very important difference and that is the difference in who is asking the questions! What would it look like for God to ask the questions? I wonder if when He was finished we would still find ourselves described as "consumers"!

Just wondering.

Tom, still just Abba's little boy


Anonymous said...

Hi, Tom,

I love what you wrote!

Not too long ago the Lord spoke to me during worship the words "Authentic Worship".
Authentic worship is what He is looking for from His people. Jesus said, in John 4:23-24,"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

In order for “Authentic Worship” to take place in our daily lives on a consistent basis we must first be “poor in spirit” completely dependent on the Lord for everything in our lives. This requires that we would humble ourselves before the Lord in complete dependence upon Him, seeking His will for our lives, instead of pursuing our own will. In short, He must be truly the Lord of our lives.

Secondly, “Authentic Worship” requires integrity of heart because we must worship Him in “spirit and in truth”. It is not just mouthing words or giving lip service to God and others around us by going through the motions of religious worship, rules, regulations, traditions in whatever form, whether or not during church or in our daily lives.

David said, in the book of Psalm 51:6, “Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” It is all about the heart. We must humbly come before the Lord with hearts of integrity. We must examining the motives of our hearts, knowing why we think, say, and do the things we do. Making sure what we do in our life does not come from of fleshly nature or our selfish ambition (Phil.1:15-16). And everything we say and do would be done with our hearts set on pleasing Him in all we do for the glory of God (Col. 3:17).

As we learn to walk in the integrity of our heart before the Lord pursuing Him alone, let us seek to live lives of "Authentic Worship". Knowing that godliness or (doing that which is pleasing to God) with contentment or (to be satisfied) is great gain as we learn in (1 Timothy 6:6-10).

If our wealth, career, job, family, friends, traditional ministry, were all stripped away could we enter His rest and be content with Him alone? This requires searching our hearts, so we cannot be hasty in our answer. The Lord may test the integrity of heart to see if you meant it. What or who is the "One" you love the most?

Let’s learn to be content with food and clothing and a roof over our heads, instead of pursuing riches, wealth, fame, fortune, popularity, careers, relationships, and the things of this world (Heb. 13:5-6).

In the book of Acts 17: 28, it tells us "in Him we live and move and have our being”, and in the book of Romans 14:7-8 “ For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's.”

Our life is all about Him, so let’s live our lives in “Authentic Worship” of Him alone, our “Audience of One”.

Keep resting in His love,

His nothing,


Unknown said...

Hi Tom.
It continues to amaze you as to how unified we are on this journey. So much of what I have read from you and others mirrors what McManus says in his Barbarian book. The spirit of God is calling for his children run away from civilized religion and run to Abba's arms to learn of him how to be a barbarian. I am seeing so much of this in the scriptures. As Jeff mentions in his post, God is on the lookout for Authentic relationships.
Indeed our journey is taking us down a path that is least traveled. It is wonderfully exciting and excitingly scary.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
I was talking to one of my sons last night and we were discussing a strange home remedy he just heard about in Korea. He lives there at the moment and his pastor used this to make a point. See:
mom is not always right.
Anyway, it really shows how our culture often hides from us or bends the truth to fit, so much so that we can't see what Should be.
You mention in this blog:"Unless we address the deeply flawed cultural " some things and I wonder. What really messed up Home remedies do we as Americans have that is obvious to other cultures but we can't see it or believe it? Do you have some tthoughts on that? I've asked friends in other cultures but sure don't have many answers.