Friday, April 19, 2013

Sometimes I wonder...

     Maybe it's just me, but I sometimes wonder about things in a way that seems upside down to much of the "Christian" world. Today's wondering may fit in that category. See what you think. Please note that I don't mean to be negative in this wondering, I am truly just wondering and longing for Papa's love to be more fully expressed through His children.
     Sometimes I wonder how helpful it is for believers to be perceived so often as "against" things (and by deduction, against people) in light of the fact that the world of unregenerate people by nature is against us already. I wonder if it feeds that negativity for us to be mostly known for opposing something rather than offering something better. 
     I am not suggesting that we abandon truth. It is not loving to suggest to those caught in deception and sin that they are okay and not broken and in danger. On the other hand, I wonder what it would be like if we prayed more than we picketed, if we blessed and healed more vigorously than we boycotted, if we served more zealously than we organized, if we loved more fervently than we stood for truth and righteousness. I wonder if those caught in deception and brokenness might be more likely to be drawn to kindness and respect and generosity. Just wondering...
     I wonder what it would be like if Christians were known for being "for people." As far as I can tell from Scripture, God is "for" every human being, and it's only an individual's choice to reject the blessing of His being for them that prevents him/her from being reconciled to Him and healed. I wonder what it would be like for folks to very much be aware that we are for them like God is for them. Just wondering...
     I wonder what it would be like if the first thing that touched anyone who encountered us was kindness. If God's kindness is what leads us to repentance, I wonder if we should try it as our first and best approach. Just wondering...
     I wonder, too, what it would look like for us to be able to live out what Paul said about the Kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians 4:20, "For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." It seems to me that this is rather reversed in church culture. I wonder what it would be like if the lost sons and daughters of Adam and Eve met love-cloaked power through the touch of Jesus' people more than just words or a reasoned argument. Just wondering...
     But when I wonder, I also hope! My deep conviction is that Papa is awakening His people to what He is really like, and they are beginning to reflect that powerfully. I see that happening more and more--Aslan is indeed on the move, and His people are beginning to reflect His character in remarkable ways, and my wondering is being changed into wonder. But I still wonder... :-)

Wondering in hope because of Papa's kindness to me,

Tom, one of Abba's little children


Unknown said...

Wow, well said! Martin & I were just talking about this kind of thing today. What if Christians were known more for what they LOVE then what they HATE? Just wondering too........

JosephFehlen said...

Tom I would say that those that don't think this way are a bit backwards. I want to be for Life, for Marriage, for People. Not against abortion, divorce and insert whatever people picket or rant about on websites! Jesus was all about seeing the good (as little as it might be) in everyone. Then once he showed his mercy and grace would say things like .."ok you know I love you, now go and sin no more". Thanks.