Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Faithfulness to the Skies!

     "I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself." (Psalm 89:1-2)
     "For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies." (Psalm 108:4)
     I have been rather overwhelmed by God's faithfulness of late. In fact, if I am honest, I pretty much remain overwhelmed by His faithfulness. Like Ethan (the author of Psalm 89), I am compelled to make God's faithfulness known, and like David describes in Psalm 108, my experience is that God's love and faithfulness stretch to the skies and beyond. (Interesting, isn't it, how God's love and faithfulness often appear together--I'm sure you can guess why!).
     It is God's faithfulness which is an expression of His love, that invites us into a truly biblical understanding of faith. As you may know, biblical faith is relational to its very core. It is the growing trust that develops as persons get to know one another better and better.
     This is very important for us to grasp. It's particularly important for those of us in the Western World. We need to redefine faith from something that is mostly a head thing into the beautifully relational expression of trust in God that He invites us into. Much of what people have described as faith is more a reactionary attempt to believe God's promises than a heart-response of trust in an infinitely loving and faithful (trustworthy!) God. Thus when sickness or other distress comes to someone, we often find people "trying to build their faith" rather than responding with confident expectancy from a place of deep trust that was already in them because of their knowledge of God in all His love and power. When we truly understand that this whole God journey is a relationship then "building my faith" becomes irrelevant--indeed, counterproductive--because our trust is growing deeper and stronger as we get to know the One whose faithfulness stretches to the skies. Just a thought...
     Wow, I wish I could fully express what is in my heart right now! I so sense Papa God inviting us to allow Him to express His faithfulness to us so that we can walk with Him in confident expectancy all the time (like a trusting little child. Does that sound familiar?).
     I ran across a quote by Andrew Murray recently that expresses what I am saying in a few sentences. It's from his book, Divine Healing: “Remember that faith is not a logical reasoning that obliges God to act according to His promises. It is, rather, the confident attitude of a child who honors his Father and counts on his love. He knows His Father fulfills His promises and is faithful to communicate the new strength that flows from redemption to the body as well as to the soul, until the moment of departure comes.” Wow, there is so much there! Faith is not something that I "use to get God to behave," but is instead the trusting expectancy of a child who really knows his/her Father!
     And then there's this amazing conversation in The Shack (p. 127): "The real underlying flaw in your life, Mackenzie, is that you don't think that I am good. If you knew that I was good and that everything--the means, the ends, and all the processes of individual lives--is all covered by my goodness, then while you might not always understand what I am doing, you would trust me..."
     "Mackenzie, you cannot produce trust just like you cannot 'do' humility. It either is or is not. Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved. Because you do not know that I love you, you cannot trust me."
     Hmmm, so that brings us back to Ethan's and David's declarations that link God's love and faithfulness: God's faithfulness means that He is always, always good and always, always loving! 
     So what now? We cannot, of course, create trust by wishing it into existence. Rather, as the conversation in The Shack goes on to point out, we can only go on living our life in an increasingly surrendered relationship with Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit, learning to depend on love and faithfulness that reach to the skies!
     Now here's a couple of suggestions for you, if you want to try them. First, do a search on faithfulness in the Bible and ponder what you discover. Second, to help combat the westernized version of "faith," take every place in the NT where you read "believe" and translate it "trust." You will be amazed at how this one little adjustment changes things for you.

Marveling at His faithfulness, trusting in His love...

Tom, Abba's little boy


Mary Courtney said...

Thank you for writing this, I really needed to hear (read) it. Very timely too with all the misunderstandings that abound today about real faith.

Blessings is abundance to you!
Mary (AKA a Kindred Spirit)

Unknown said...

Tom --
That's great ... about a year and half ago I made the conscious decision to drop the word "faith" in favor of trust. It seems it has been turned into some kind of inward focused exercise of "mustering up" one's mental acuity. I think most people have a few of "faith" like that scene from Indiana Jone's 3rd film where he is standing in front of the invisible bridge trying to pull together the "faith" to step out, as if it was about what we are able to bring out of our own focus. Ha! Trust is so essentially "other" focused. It implies that there is action, and it is action placed upon the character of another. So, yes, as you say then the emphasis is now whether we truly believe God is good and loving and all the things He says He is.

Vivian said...

I really like this!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Tom you are so in tune and it's wonderful to read your blogs and the comments and see that we all are often in similar places learning similar things at the same time or needing to be reminded of something we didn't even know we needed to hear.

Trust has been in the forefront for me lately to a deeper degree then ever before. I have been challenged to ask myself, do I truly trust Him the way I think and say I do, and have asked Papa to show me where my "belief" and my actuality don't match up...meaning, I say I trust Him but am I really? Holy Spirit shows me in loving ways when my heart and mind are not matching up with the truth.

I love how King David would say things like "I will yet praise Him" it has been a saying I have adopted lately as I walk through some rough times and don't fully understand what God is up to in the moment. I look back at the recent move we made to Illinois and how the house we commissioned to build fell thru and then we couldn't find a house to buy and we wondered what was up...then my husband was laid off! Praise God we are not saddled with a mortgage and have our "down payment" to live on. Hindsight they say is always 20/20 and it also why it is important for us to "recount" Gods goodness. To remind ourselves that no matter what comes our way, and no matter if we do or do not "get" what He is up to, we can trust that he loves us and will glorify His name and show His faithfulness to all and to each of us in those special individual ways when He lovingly says "see daughter, I had it all worked out for you".

Resting in the palm of His great hand,

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Wow, Tom, you hit the nail squarely on the head! I, for one, truly need to have Papa reassure me of His love---for my recent bout with Cancer has taken it's toll on my "faith." I need to stay in this season---the "I don't get this" season---and not resort to trying to "fix" it! I need just a simple trust that rests in confidence that He is working. If confusion trys to creep in, I should ask the Lord for His enlightenment. This dialog creates relationship and TRUST is the results! Thanks for your post (reminder) Tom. You are a blessing!