Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Violinist, The Shack and The Revolution

On December 16, 2006, during one of my times with Papa God, I had a visual impression (some would call it a "vision") of a violinist that I believe relates to what we see God doing in North America right now.

The visual impression came to me as I was pondering the devastation and brokenness of our nation and a very broken, weak church.
I was in the air looking down upon the North American continent, and as I looked I saw in the distance a violinist standing in the middle of the darkness and devastation. At first as I looked I thought that the violinist represented the church, which like Nero was "fiddling while Rome burned." But I sensed God telling me to keep looking, and as I did I realized that the violinist was Jesus! And as Jesus played the violin, all around in the darkness God's people began to listen to the music. As they did so, their eyes were opened, they saw clearly reality and truth both about the world and about God. Then as I continued to watch, light, life, fire and gold began emerging and spreading
around those who heard the music. As the light (golden light) began to spread, it began to form networks all across the continent--people were connecting everywhere. And the music grew louder, wilder and sweeter -- even now, I can hardly bear to think of it because of its wild, sweet, loud power!

Since I had that vision I have had increasingly frequent encounters with believers who are waking up to intimacy with God in remarkable ways. At last people are beginning to realize that the Good News is really good news--that God is delighted in His kids and is "especially fond" of each and every one of us. It seems that the violinist's music is getting louder, with wonderful results. And these folks are discovering one another in ways that only "heavenly orchestration" can explain.

Where does The Shack come in? I have found that this amazing book contains the music of the violinist in a way that enables people to hear it with life-disrupting clarity. "Shack stories" are beginning to pile up in my memory banks: 70 year old believers who have been "churched" for decades weeping unashamedly as they say, "Now for the first time in my life I can call God 'Papa'!" and young girls weeping through the entire book as Papa heals deep "father wounds" that could be shared with no one. Wow! This is amazing and exciting. Have you read The Shack yet? Please do so. I believe that it is one of God's best instruments for bringing the revolution ("revival") that so many have been praying for. You can order it through Amazon or directly from the website www.theshackbook.com.

So, has the revolution truly started at last? I believe that it has, and The Shack tells us what it looks like: "If you ever get a chance to hang out with Mack, you will soon learn that he's hoping for a new revolution, one of love and kindness--a revolution that revolves around Jesus and what he did for us all and what he continues to do in anyone who has a hunger for reconciliation and a place to call home. This is not a revolution that will overthrow anything, or if it does, it will do so in ways we could never contrive in advance. Instead it will be the quiet daily powers of dying and serving and loving and laughing, of simple tenderness and unseen kindness, because if anything matters, everything matters. (page 248).

Are you in? Let us hear from you!

Stay lost in Papa's love, embraced by His grace,

Tom, the least of Abba's children

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