Friday, May 21, 2010

Where's Your Plan B?????

Last week I wrote about people who persisted in pursuing Jesus until He met their need. They, like many in Scripture, did not have a "plan B." It seems to me that people who "keep a plan B" in their minds, "just in case" don't often see God's breakthroughs. I think that's because having a plan B, although it seems prudent, tends to erode faith. Just a thought.

Think about how tempting it must have been for some of the folks in the Bible to ask God for a "plan B." I think of Moses and Israel as they were backed up against the Red Sea with the entire Egyptian army bearing down on them. God told Moses, "Tell the people to move on..." I can picture me as Moses saying, "Ummmm, excuse me, LORD, but there's this little problem of the sea in our way." "Oh, you want me to hold up my staff all night, right? Yup, that will work!" "Say, LORD, shouldn't we at least arm the men and put them where they can fight (Plan B)?" Nope, no plan B this time!

Or how about Gideon when God told him to pare down his army to 3oo to face multiplied thousands? Again, I can picture myself as Gideon trying to come up with plan B. "Excuse me, LORD, but 300!??? Can we maybe call those other guys back and have them stationed about 500 yards away, just in case?" Nope, no plan B this time either.

Then there's David, of course, going out to face Goliath. Others around him even offered him a plan B (Saul's armor), but David chose to go with plan A: trusting in God alone.

Note here that I am not advocating presumption or recklessness as we pursue the things of God. Each of these examples had a clear word from God as to what to do and/or a clear conviction about, and in David's case a long experience of, God's faithfulness. And in the New Testament examples from last week, each of these people had Jesus clearly in front of them and His perfect track record in healing available to them. So refusing to have a "plan B" is not reckless but is the sanest thing we can do: trusting in God alone and allowing Him to unfold His plan as we listen to His voice and follow Him wherever He goes (even if it's off the map or through the sea!).

Yes, I will admit that lately my mind ("understanding" -- that thing we shouldn't lean upon) has screamed at me to prepare plans B, C, D, E, F and G, but each time that fear-filled voice has been quieted by God's invitation to listen to Him, rest on His word, trust in His promises. So... I have no other plans... :-)

Tom, one of Abba's little boys

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